CommZone Theory

Designed as a SaaS product to streamline organizational communication, content creation, and more. The sole focus of the message building is to create persuasive messages for companies, products, and people to achieve goals.

What Is CommZone?The System to Control AI in Your Business
imgInformation Zone

Amazing Information Creates Amazing MessagingInformation is the beating heart of every great piece of communication. The advantages of building communication with super-clean information are endless. Let us show you how to fuel every part of your construction process yourself by creating a fully stocked Information Zone.

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imgStrategy Zone

Point and Choose Strategy OptionsDo you know why it's so hard to make quality strategy decisions? Or why you so often just throw in your best guess, and then speed on to the next set of ambiguous decisions? It's because you haven't locked down your Strategy Zone. Let us show you cutting-edge tactics for making the right decisions, easily and quickly, every time.

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imgConstruction Zone

Communication Creation Has Changed ForeverAI arrived in 2023 with an incredible offer -- it will build all your comms, essentially for free. And do it instantly. With basically no team needed. Who in business would say no to that? No one. Free labor wins every argument. But do you know what free labor needs? Great information and great strategy. With the CZS you can capture the true power of AI, and make sure that "free" yields amazing messages. Every time.

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imgDistribution Zone

Where to Place Your Comms?There's nothing more challenging in modern marketing than deciding where to spend your money. Should you do paid ads on Facebook? Should you concentrate on PPC? LinkedIn? Cold calls? We design a full distribution ecology for you, so that we can see every option, track every option, and not waste a single dollar on a poorly designed marketing mix.

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imgAnalytics Zone

Don't Guess About Marketing EffectivenessIn theory, we live in a time where everything in marketing can be tracked, measured, and success/failure is clear as day. In practice, most businesses still make fast, semi-educated guesses, and hope for the best. We are dedicated to finding every piece of analytic data available in the digital space, and ending the age of best guesses. Setting your analytics correctly is the absolute key to dialling in your marketing at every level.

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