Elixir's Function-Injection Macro Pattern

Mar 1 2019

An increasingly common pattern to see in Elixir libraries is the offer of a __using__/1 macro that makes your module into something.

For some abstractions, we want to inject useful functions so that a module is a generic <fill in this blank>. These generic modules provide functions that would be awkward to call because of verbose options or long parameter lists.


Libraries are good for commonly used code. They replace ugly or long code with less code (just a function call). Why not use a vanilla library? Often we have a repetitive parameter that we wish could be compiled in. In this example, we have a file_repo abstraction that stores files locally, on S3, by FTP, git, etc.:

{:ok, remote_filename} =
    bucket: Application.fetch_env!(:my_app, :bucket),
    region: Application.fetch_env!(:my_app, :region)

If we know ahead of time that we only want our app to commit files to S3 at a certain bucket in a certain region, then any time we want to call this store/3 function, we have to specify all these repetitive parameters. Instead, we’d rather do this:

{:ok, remote_filename} = MyApp.FileRepo.store("file.txt")

and define our FileRepo instance like so:

# lib/my_app/file_repo.ex
defmodule MyApp.FileRepo do
  use FileRepo,
    strategy: :s3,
    bucket: Application.fetch_env!(:my_app, :bucket),
    region: Application.fetch_env!(:my_app, :region)

Example: Extreme

A perfect example is the new style introduced in v1.0.0 of Extreme, the Event Store client library for Elixir. Taking a look into lib/extreme.ex, we see a huge __using__/1 macro. That macro injects a whole bunch of useful functions like ping/0 and subscribe_to/4. These allow us to reason about our connections to Event Store as modules (“I want to write an event using my MyApp.EventStoreClient module”).

You might have one module for each Event Store you want to interact with:

defmodule MyApp.UserActivityEventStore do
  use Extreme

defmodule MyApp.OtherBackEndActivityEventStore do
  use Extreme

# the hosts, ports, etc. are given in `lib/my_app/application.ex`


Here the different modules represent access points to separate instances of Event Store.

Example: Arc

An even better example is an Arc definition. Arc allows you to work with files abstractly. You define modules which use Arc.Definition and optionally configure that instance by defining functions. In short, you write a module like this:

defmodule MyApp.FileRepo do
  use Arc.Definition

And now you can treat the file repository like an object a module. In a few ways, this is pretty reminiscent of Object Oriented programming. This module is a something. Similar to having many objects, you can have many generic modules:

defmodule MyApp.ArchiveRepo do
  use Arc.Definition
  def __storage, do: Arc.Storage.Local

With this, we can handle separate, consistent configurations with ease by labeling the configurations as modules. Without this pattern, we might be forced to write throughout the project:

defmodule MyApp.FileUploadedListener do
  def heard_file(file) do
    # for archives
    File.cp!(file, some_dir)
    # for something else
    |> ExAws.S3.Upload.stream_file()
    |> ExAws.S3.upload(Application.fetch_env!(:my_app, :bucket), Path.basename(file))
    |> ExAws.request(region: Application.fetch_env!(:my_app, :region))

when we might write with the abstract modules:

defmodule MyApp.FileUploadedListener do
  def heard_file(file) do

The “library” version requires much more code. And the code is boring too. If we wanted to execute similar functions all over our app, we would be repeating the same configuration over and over. Since the configuration does not change over time, repeating it is useless.

In general, this pattern makes it easy to represent separate configurations which do not change over time.

Hiding Configuration: Function-Injection Macros

Because we’re writing a macro, we can hide that repetitive information when we define the function.

When we do this, we make long macro blocks:

# in library
defmodule MyAbstraction do
  defmacro my_macro(opts) do
    quote do
      def one_func(arg) do
        # do something with `opts`
        GenServer.call(unquote(opts.server), {:one_func, arg})

      def another_func(arg) do
        # do something else with `opts`

      .. # etc.

# in project
defmodule MyApp.AbstractionImplementation do
  use MyAbstraction, server: MyApp.SomethingServer

But when we write the macro like this, we run into a few problems:


Refresher on why macros are good:

  1. to withhold execution
  2. to replace ugly code with simple code (just a macro invocation)
  3. more abstractly, to do transformations on the code

    • e.g. the pipe operator |>

Macros can hide things and that’s good for configuration but bad for readability and hygiene (code cleanliness like coveralls and credo).

Keeping it Hygienic

When we create a macro that defines a generic module, we can minimize the size of the macro and maximize the hygiene, all while keeping our ability to inject compact, generic functions by proxying a library.

The idea is to move anything that’s unquoted or any __SOMETHING__ value into a parameter. Here’s the big quoted block refactored to proxy an Impl module.

# in library
# `lib/my_abstraction.ex`
defmodule MyAbstraction do
  defmacro my_macro(opts) do
    quote do
      alias MyAbstraction.Impl

      def one_func(arg),
        do: Impl.one_func(unquote(opts.server), arg)

      def another_func(arg),
        do: Impl.another_func(unquote(opts.something, arg))

      .. # etc.
# still in library
# `lib/my_abstraction/impl.ex`
defmodule MyAbstraction.Impl do
  def one_func(server, arg) do
    GenServer.call(server, {:one_func, arg})
    # other things
  def another_func(opt, arg) do
    # things with `opt` and `arg`
  # etc..

# in project
# `lib/my_app/abstraction_implementation.ex`
defmodule MyApp.AbstractionImplementation do
  use MyAbstraction, server: MyApp.SomethingServer

We get our cake and eat it too. The implementation modules keep the same API and still don’t have to pass any annoying configuration. The __using__/1 macro only hides configuration. The library functions only do library things. With this, coveralls and credo have access to the important code. The injected functions are one-liners. The library code is accessible, albeit in a raw format. And now because the quote block is so small, the definition is readable.

So when you write a function-injection macro, please do this.

A Perfect Example

Ecto.Repo is probably one of the best known function injection macros. It’s also an exemplar follower of the library-proxy method. see the source here

def insert(struct, opts \\ []) do
  Ecto.Repo.Schema.insert(__MODULE__, struct, opts)

def update(struct, opts \\ []) do
  Ecto.Repo.Schema.update(__MODULE__, struct, opts)

def insert_or_update(changeset, opts \\ []) do
  Ecto.Repo.Schema.insert_or_update(__MODULE__, changeset, opts)

def delete(struct, opts \\ []) do
  Ecto.Repo.Schema.delete(__MODULE__, struct, opts)

__MODULE__ is passed in as a parameter to wider functions in the library. For large libraries like Ecto, this is a huge improvement to organization. Imagine if every toplevel Repo function was implemented in the __using__/1 definition!

Forward Thinking

There’s still room for improvement. With defmodulep, we can make the MyAbstraction.Impl module private and keep our test coverage. Unfortunately, we’ll have to wait for the core Elixir implementation.